Inspiration and Motivation


Been Thinking about Inspiration and Motivation. They’re both important things. Motivation is what makes us get stuff done–we see a goal or we decide upon a goal and we go to it. But Inspiration, that’s a Soul-filled thang. Inspiration is something that connects us to The Source, where we feel Enthusiastic about something. We feel INSPIRED to do something. Where we feel Joyful in the DOING and of the Anticipation in the birth of something new by our Spirit. To Create something new that’s from Source.

On the other hand, Motivation is a mental thang. And sometimes, we need to kick ourselves in the butt, but see if you can meld more Inspiration into your day. More Inspiration that comes from The Soul Sense, more Inspiration that is filled with JOY.

Motivation, yes, it gets things done, you make that goal. You can do those push-ups, you can do those pull-ups. 

But, that’s Motivation.

What about feeling INSPIRED to do those push-ups and pull-ups? That’s taking your Energy up into a whole ‘notha Vibe, into a whole ‘notha stratosphere!


When We Are In A Funk, We Are Without Inspiration.


I can’t tell you how many times I was paralyzed by depression. It wasn’t so much that I lacked Motivation, I had it in theory, I knew what the consequences were by stuffing my face with Häagen Dazs or in having that extra slice of pizza well after I was full. I knew that not sending out my picture and resume would mean to my career, but because I was devoid of Inspiration, every day was a grey day.

Sometimes Motivation just isn’t enough. Especially when you end up shaming or guilting yourself into doing something. Then it’s just a drudgery. Oh yes, there can be a certain amount of satisfaction after completing a task you didn’t feel like doing, but when you’re fueled by the engine of Inspiration, HOURS can go by without you even noticing because you’re so absorbed and fulfilled!

And fulfillment is the name of the game isn’t it? Who doesn’t want to be fulfilled in their lives? Imagine a world where everyone is fulfilled, what do you think that would look like? But since we can only change ourselves, that’s the first and only place to start. How can YOU become more fulfilled in Your Life?

Soooooo. Your Mindfulness Challenge Mission today ‘if you choose to accept it’ (quoting Mission Impossible here), is to see if you can FEEL the difference between Inspiration, Motivation and how to Create more of what Feels more Joyful to You.



Holla back, I welcome your comments and thoughts.





from Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness:

Self Help Book 28 Daily Thoughts & Mantras 4 Mindfulness

Check out my Wellness Guide 28 Daily Thoughts & Mantras 4 Mindfulness–Keys 4 Stress Relief & Personal Growth,


SoundSoulVibin' Quick Fix Guided Meditation Audio by Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness

Guided Meditation Audio 

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Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness Guided Meditation. Reduce stress, anxiety, gain mindfulness and personal growth

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Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness

Your Wellness Guide


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