Appreciation Perspective: A Powerful Tool for Personal Growth
I can testify first hand that my Life shifted as I developed an Appreciation Perspective. It is truly a powerful tool for personal growth. I had struggled with bouts of depression through a lot of my Life but as I began to ask myself what exactly did I appreciate about living, that’s when the answers showed themselves. When you’re down and out, all you see is down and out. All you feel is every negative thing possible. And that cycle continuously perpetuates.
Until you stop it.
Until you begin to look elsewhere. When you look for things to Appreciate. They don’t have to be big, but they must exist in order to open to receiving more of the things you Appreciate. This too, is a cycle that continuously perpetuates.
Does this mean you never have to deal with challenges and things you don’t like? Definitely not. But what it does mean is that you move through those obstacles and unpleasant things a lot faster and smoother because your focus isn’t predominantly on ish you don’t like. it’s on things you find to Appreciate.
Appreciation and Gratitude
Appreciation is defined as: 1) recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something, 2) a full understanding of a situation, and 3) to increase the value of.
Definition #2 can be a deep one, particularly when our eyes open to the benefit of a situation that may not have felt too good at the time. Viewed through the lens of Wisdom and Hindsight, we actually go, “OHHHHHHHHH I GET IT! I see the significance of that thing and/or person that seemed so bad! Now, NOW I see it for what it really is. If that had not happened, then this, that and the other beneficial things wouldn’t have happened either. It was all for my Highest Good!”
That can be a tough thing to see, but I can tell you that as I looked at things in the past that were awful, once I looked for things to Appreciate in terms of what I could learn from them, I could see the benefit to my personal growth.
I venture to offer that the more Appreciation is on your radar, it shifts your Gratitude Practice into gear.
Gratitude is defined as a deeper feeling of thankfulness for something or someone. The more you find things to Appreciate, the deeper that practice grows until you have a full-fledged Gratitude Practice!
Through being able to Appreciate, we get to see the role a situation and/or person played in our lives for the better, thus changing the minus into a plus. Changing the deficit into a gain.
Appreciation and The Quality of Our Lives
The act of Appreciating is a must-do if one is serious about their Quality of Life. The Quality of Life is not just measured by how many creature comforts you have or how many goals you’ve mastered, it’s not just about achievements and acquisitions but feeling good within much of the time. Lowering your stress and anxiety. Upping your Vibrational Game. Creating and putting more gusto, more zest into your Life. That’s why an Appreciation Perspective is key.
Appreciation lifts Your Energy and Vibe and when you actively look for things to Appreciate, you increase the Value and Substance of your thoughts and your feelings follow suit. The act of Being in The State of Appreciation helps reduce stress and anxiety because it reduces the endless mind chatter of our daily thought processes, which makes way for more Clarity, more Peace and Fulfilment and more JOY.
You experience more FREEDOM–freedom from binding negative thoughts to the past, fears for the future and more Being Present Moments.
And when you look for things and/or people to Appreciate, it is one powerful way of actually directing your thoughts toward Higher Frequencies as opposed to your thoughts happening by rote with no Awareness of what you’re feeding yourself mentally. Talk about personal growth in a BIG way.
And my goodness, how do we feel when we are Appreciated? Mannnn, it’s like somebody turned on the lights! Being Appreciated lifts us so much we can float on the Vibes! Well, when you take the time to notice and Appreciate, you are sending out that beautiful energy and even though you may not see it, that Good Vibe Energy is out floating in The Universe fo’ sho!
Sharing The Wisdom in Showing Our Appreciation
When you take the time to Appreciate, to see what is around you, to see what you have received and are receiving, to acknowledge the gems that flow into your Life, you raise the bar in a big way! You raise it for yourself, you raise it for others. Been around complainers? You may even be one yourself–but the best way to change that tide is to start Appreciating some shit and the shift is ON. You cannot complain and Appreciate at the same time, the Vibes are NO WHERE close in wavelength!
And if you really get your Appreciation Game happnin’ you may even forget what you were grumbling about because it will not seem as important. When I think back on some stuff that took me out mentally, viewing it now in the Light of Appreciation and being able to see the value to my Life’s Personal Growth lets me know that I’ve gained some Wisdom that I can pat myself on the back about!
THAT is turning the Appreciation Light on yourself, when you can see how you’ve grown, now that’s a sweet loving hug in self-care and self-love wrapped up in deliciousness!
Appreciation says, “I’m here, I see, I take it in and it is a benefit to me.” Seeing a remarkable sunset, hearing the indescribable glee of a baby’s laugh, seeing a butterfly and taking time to marvel at it, all these things add up in the Feel Good category. So instead of grumbling about the weather, find things to Appreciate. Instead of grumbling about your job, a co-worker, a family member or anything that you moan about regularly, see if you can substitute it with something you saw, experienced and/or learned that you Appreciate.
It’s a Personal Growth Exercise That Pays Dividends
If you’re not in the habit of Appreciating, it’s never too late to begin! Take note of what your face looks like when you complain. Notice people’s faces when they complain. Now take note of your face when you are Appreciating. Even if you can’t see your face, what does it feel like internally? Does it feel good? YASSSSSSS! Take note of your face when you are Appreciated. Look at other people’s faces–what do they look like when Appreciated?
Which do you think is more beneficial to your nervous system and mental health? (And on the sheer vanity tip, it’s also great to do more Appreciating to keep those wrinkles from making a home on your face from complaining!)
And since you know that feeling good is of beneficial value to your Well-Being, you also know that if you can get more into the swing of the Appreciation Vibe even if you only remember once a day for starters, being Aware enough to notice how you feel you may Inspire you to do it more until it is a part of you. Finding things to Appreciate regularly is a foundation of a Mindfulness Practice and a mental exercise that pays dividends.
Why Else Do You Need This In Your Life?
Esther Hicks with the insight of the Energy Source known as Abraham says, “Love and Appreciation are identical vibrations, it’s the vibration of alignment with who you are (Spirit), it’s the absence of resistance, it’s the absence of fear and doubt, it’s the absence of self-denial or hatred to others, it is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good.”
I mean think about it, the more time you spend in Appreciation, the less time and energy is wasted on the things that do not serve you.
So spend time visiting the State of Appreciation book a hotel room, heck buy some property there—every day, pick out things you Appreciate like
1- Telling a small business owner how much you Appreciate their products and services
2- Look up into the sky in Appreciation
3- Appreciate the body for it is the vehicle in which you Express, Experience and Exist in on this Earth
4- Appreciate The Earth in Thought, Feeling and Deed, be Mindful of the places you spend your money, support businesses and corporations that exhibit good practices to The Earth and to your fellow Humans
5- Appreciate your Life, your Gifts, Talents and Mind
6- Appreciate the people you Love and let them know it
7- Appreciate a child’s smile and laughter for they remind you of the Joy that is a part of you if you only allow it
Know, that for each thing and person you find to Appreciate, you have chosen Positive Pro-Active Thoughts that make your air space hum with Juicy Vibes. And that can be contagious in an uplifting way and the way to share your Wisdom.
The State of Appreciation is the Rocket Ship to uplifting Your Vibe. “I Appreciate The Gift of Living. I Sit in the Seat of Appreciation and I smile.”
from Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness:
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Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness
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