Mindfulness, Wellness, Mental
Health & Empowerment Podcast

Roll With Peace, In Mind Podcast
by Jacquie Bird

Spotlight On: Laurelle Rethke Part 1–Are You Riding On The Right Train? Riding On The Urge

Jacquie Bird

“…people have been asking me, what makes your book different? And it took me a minute to figure it out…but I think what makes it most different is…” 

Welcome to episode 62 of Roll With Peace, In Mind featuring another installment of ‘Are You On The Right Train? Riding On The Urge’ featuring folks who have chosen to follow their hearts, dreams and passions. They did not and do not listen to the nay-sayers or to the ‘it can’t be done-ners’ but step out on Faith, Passion and Intention, not allowing fears to derail them.

Laurelle Rethke has been using nature’s medicine for over 25 years. From crystals, essential oils, sound and movement to energy healing, meditation and astrology—she is most well known for her work with crystals—drawing upon her studies from five different crystal healing lineages and teaching about the metaphysical use of stones since 2009. Known as a spiritual alchemist, bridge-builder and crystal maven, she is deeply grounded in an earth-centered consciousness and helps to bring in new understanding on health, healing, and spiritual alignment. She believes that our relationship with the natural world is key to connecting us to the Divine, Ourselves, and All That Is.

Laurelle’s book Connecting With Crystals: Crystal Wisdom and Stone Healing for Body, Mind and Spirit is available on Amazon and other platforms that sell books.


Be sure to check Laurelle out:





Original Music by Sylvester “Sly” Scott, check him out on





I’ve got something coming up for you:

1) To Forgive is Divine: Guided Meditation & Journaling Workshop

April 17th at 4:00PM EDT. Having trouble forgiving but want to? Inwardly you know being unforgiving is holding you back from living a fuller more peaceful life. Click title for more information.

2) End of The Month ChillOut: StressBusters Guided Meditation

April 25th at 1:00PM EDT. This is my End of The Month virtual guided meditation group class. Click title for more information.

I hope you will join me and tell your friends and family!



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And lastly, who am I? I am Jacquie Bird of Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness. I have lived as a performing artist, Creative, and teacher since the age of 18. Bumps in the road? Um yeah…a LOT! They hurt? Uh huh, made a grown girl cry. But everything is a step in The Journey, to be Experienced and to be Learned from. Today I navigate with much more Grace, Wisdom, Joy, Intention, Mindfulness, Humor and GRATITUDE.

In these podcast episodes, I share what I have learned and am still learning, with YOU.

For more on my products and services, hit me up on my site Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness 

Thank you for listening, subscribe and share!