Mindfulness, Wellness, Mental
Health & Empowerment Podcast

Roll With Peace, In Mind Podcast
by Jacquie Bird

POWER: Authentic or Egoic?

Jacquie Bird

“I was maaaaaadddddd, I was so mad I could set the AIR on fiyah, yet even though I was, I was conscious enough not to lose my temper…” 

Welcome to Episode 12 of Roll With Peace, In Mind. In this episode, I riff on POWER: Authentic or Egoic?

Hmm…that’s a question for ya ain’t it? Maybe not something on the forefront of our minds, but when someone comes into our airspace operating on 100% ego power we FEEL it! And we know we don’t like it. It is devoid of Humanness, it’s about somebody gettin’ their rocks off to make them feel big because they really feel small.

In “The Talk” segment, I delve more into POWER: Authentic or Egoic, as well as share my own story of how I was on the receiving end of someone’s ego. The person was so out of line and outta control I almost thought they were joking. it was so unreal and ridiculous…

in the second segment I take you through a brief sample of my StressBusters Guided Meditation (of which I am the creator and practitioner) to help you Center, Ground and Connect. It’s kinda like a cellphone to your Inner Self, your inner Guidance. In this guided meditation you have an opportunity to meditate on the tips I share with you that helped and continue to help me get through this Journey Called Life! 

The sound healing music you hear for my StressBusters Guided Meditation is of my creation and the tracks in this episode are available separately for purchase at Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness for direct and easy access for listening.


How do you normally wield your POWER? Do you know? From an Authentic place or a place of ego? From a place of Center or a place of smallness? From a place of Balance or from fear or intimidation? What ways do you plan to become more Aware of You? What can you do to Roll more with Peace, In Mind? Please chime in with comments on my Facebook page Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness using the hashtag #PowerAuthenticorEgoic

On Instagram tag @JacquieBirdSpiritualWellness Repost the artwork of this episode, add your comments plus these 2 hashtags #RollWithPeaceInMind and #PowerAuthenticorEgoic If I really dig it I will definitely Repost ya, share it on FB and shout you out in a future episode!

And lastly, who am I? I am Jacquie Bird of Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness. I have lived as a performing artist, Creative, and teacher since the age of 18. Bumps in the road? Um yeah…a LOT! They hurt? Uh huh, made a grown girl cry. But everything is a step in The Journey, to be Experienced and to be Learned from. Today I navigate with much more Grace, Wisdom, Joy, Intention, Mindfulness, Humor and GRATITUDE.

In these podcast episodes, I share what I have learned and am still learning, with YOU.

For me, Spiritual Wellness is of the utmost importance–I am the author of the eBook series www.jacquiebirdspiritualwellness.com

Remember to SUBSCRIBE, DOWNLOAD, LISTEN and SHARE. REPEAT. Thank you so much for your interest in my podcast, I hope it is helpful to you and if you have questions and/or comments I would love to hear them.